The Jolley Triplets

Just another weblog

It’s been WAY too long!!! February 21, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 9:43 am

I can’t believe I haven’t updated the blog in over 3 months!! Life is a blur of bottles, mashed peas and poopy diapers these days. The girls are doing amazing and learning new things all of the time.

Evie loves to roll everywhere and will end up 10 feet from her original spot if you’re not watching. She loves to say “Blah blah blah” and blow raspberries. At her last pediatrician appointment in January she weighed 13 pounds. Her favorite is bananas and she even used her sippy cup for the first time over the weekend! We’re working on sitting up and standing, but she’s doing really well!!

Teagan is such a good baby. She hardly ever cries or fusses and loves to eat! She squeals and will jump all day in the jumperoo (I think the downstairs neighbors hate us). She’s sitting up on her own and loves to play with her laptop. She will eat absolutely anything and chows down on baby food. We think she will be crawling in no time! At her last weighing she was almost 16 pounds!!

Adeline cracks us up! She’s always making funny faces and has the most hilarious laugh. She loves saying “da da da” and is the most talkative while eating. She LOVES to stand and will hold herself up on the coffee table. She’s able to sit for very, very short periods of time on her own, but she’s still working on it. She loves laying on her tummy and watching Baby Einstein. She’s our little peanut and weighed about 12 pounds at her last weighing. She’s still wearing 0-3 months at 10 months old, but we just think she’s fun sized:)

We’re in a good routine and we’re down to 4 bottles a day! The girls eat solids at breakfast and dinner and we’ll be adding in lunch in the next few weeks. They sleep for 12-13 hours a night and take 2-3 naps a day. They love watching Baby Einstein DVD’s and playing with toys. We’ve started planning their First Birthday Party and it’s going to be quite the event!!

We’re so lucky to have come so far and have 3 healthy little girls!

And of course, here’s some pictures! These are some pictures we had done by Shewan Elizabeth Photography..She did such an AMAZING job.

Top row-Teagan, Middle row-Adeline, Bottom row-Evie

Evie, Teagan & Adeline

Also, here are some links to click on for a couple albums that show our day to day life with the babies:)

February 2011-