The Jolley Triplets

Just another weblog

Tie me kangaroo down, sport! April 28, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 11:14 pm

Tonight Bryan and I did kangaroo care with both Teagan and Adeline! Bryan and Adeline’s time was cut short due to her temperature being too low, but we blame the nurse for not positioning her right;)

All the babies are doing good…everyone is still on the nasal canula and gradually gaining weight. Evie has almost caught up to Adeline weighing in at 1lb 8oz (Adeline is 1lb 9oz). Teagan is up to 1lb 15oz.

Here’s a few pics from tonight…


Tuesday! April 27, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 8:04 pm

Today was a good day for the most part!

-Bryan got to kangaroo with Evie

-Adeline came off of the cpap and is on the nasal canula as of 5pm tonight and is now ready to kangaroo too!

-Teagan had a good day regulating her temperature (she did have some residuals from her feeds which isn’t so great)

Also, Evie and Adeline are now 1 ounce over their birthweight…Teagan is still hanging out at 1 pound, 14 ounces.

Nothing else is new really. Everyone’s doing good! We can’t wait to do kangaroo care with both Evie and Adeline tomorrow…hopefully Teagan will be ready too!!

Here’s some new pics from yesterday and today…


April 25, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 9:03 pm

Well, we got shut down on kangaroo care. The nurses and physician’s assistant do not think the babies are ready yet. Apparently Teagan is having a hard time controlling her temperature and I’m not 100% sure why they haven’t let us do it with Evie or Adeline yet. The nurse said they were going to ask our neonatologist what she thinks about it on Monday. Being that it is Dr. Doom I don’t see this working out in our favor.

The good news is Teagan is on full feeds and Adeline is already up to 12ml’s. They’ve stopped all IV fluids on both Teagan and Adeline too. Evie and Adeline are both above their birth weights but Teagan is still a little below. They’re giving her some extra calories with her milk to hopefully help that out.

Everything else is going well though!


4-23 April 24, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 11:54 am

The babies were doing good last night. We got to hold Teagan again and Evie and Adeline both got their arterial lines out so we should hopefully be able to hold them soon too!

Dr. Doom (our lovely neonatologist who expects the worse out of every situation) was surprisingly not so doom-y last night. She said the babies are doing well. She’s slowing down on Evie’s feeds because she keeps spitting up, which is what caused the scary incident of last saturday, but Adeline and Teagan are continuely going up on their feeds. Evie is the smallest at just 1 pound, 3oz so she wants to go slower with her. All the head scans came back great. Evie and Teagan still have no signs of brain bleeds and Adeline’s is getting smaller, so it looks like it’s resolving on its own.

We’re heading back up today and hoping we got orders for kangaroo care!


Another first! April 22, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 11:04 pm

So tonight was a good night! We got to hold Teagan for the first time. It was pretty amazing. She’s so little, it felt like you were just holding blankets. The nurse said she really enjoyed it though since she kept her heart rate and breathing/oxygen up the whole time. We were shocked when she asked us if we wanted to hold her while she changed her bedding! She said she’s going to see if she can get orders from the doctor for us to start “kangaroo care” too which will be amazing! We’re really excited!!

In other news, Evie and Adeline are doing really well! Evie has gained some weight and is doing well on her feeds. Her nasal canula is set to room air (21% oxygen is what we breathe). Adeline is still on the cpap and doing great with that. She’s already up to 8ml’s on her feeds!! They shared a nurse tonight and she said that if all goes well tonight they will hopefully remove their arterial lines some time tomorrow…which means holding them both is in the near future!!!

Tomorrow Bryan has a half day so we’re hoping to talk to the nicu about the Ronald McDonald house. We really want to stay closer once we’re able to hold them for long periods of time. The hour drive up to the hospital when Bryan gets home is starting to get a little rough, but it’s worth it to see our little girls. Being closer would be a lot easier so fingers crossed we can work something out with the pets so we can stay up there.

Pictures from our visit tonight:


4/21/10 April 21, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 10:36 pm

We just got back from seeing the girls! Today was a good day for far at least…I’ve learned not to count days as “good days” until 12:01 am the next day. But for the first time since they were born, everyone is off of the ventilator and getting milk through their feeding tubes! Teagan and Evie are still doing well on the nasal canulas and they started Adeline on the cpap this morning and she’s been doing really good on it! Teagan is up to 14mls every 3 hours on her feeds, Evie is up to 1ml every hour and Adeline is up to 4mls every 3 hours! I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up much longer with them continuously eating more and more!

I don’t think there’s much else that’s new with them. Tomorrow is everyone’s head scan so pray for good results!

Here’s some pics from yesterday and today…


Not sure where to start…

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 3:00 am

So much has happened over the last 9 days since the triplets were born that I don’t even know where to begin. I guess we’ll start with their birthday!

On April 12th, around noon, my water broke. I had been on bedrest for almost 4 weeks at that point, including 2 weeks of hospital bedrest. I called the nurse and they confirmed that it was amniotic fluid and rushed me down to labor and delivery. I called Bryan in the elevator on the way and he started making his way up to the hospital. About an hour and a half later the doctor came in and found I was 4cm dialated and a baby was already making her way down the birth canal. I was told they would be delivered within the next hour. That’s when panic set in. I was prepped for surgery and Bryan came into the OR. 15 minutes after they began the surgery our three little girls made their entrance into the world. The first to make her debut was Evie May, weighing at 1 pound, 6 ounces/11.5 inches long, at 3:28pm. The next was Teagan Vine, weighing 2 pounds/13.5 inches long, at 3:29pm. And finally Adeline Claire, weighing 1 pound, 8 ounces/12.5 inches long, also at 3:29pm. I only briefly saw Teagan and Adeline as they rushed them to the NICU and I heard Teagan cry as they delivered her. We have some photos of the c-section but I’ll spare you the gory details:)

Since their birth everything has been a whirlwind. I’ll break it down by each baby:

Teagan- We have been very fortunate that she has not needed a ventilator at all. She’s bounced back and forth between what’s called CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) and the nasal canula. She’s currently on the nasal canula and we hope she’ll be able to hold her own with that now. She did have a small PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus, which is a blood vessel connecting the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Before birth, this vessel allows the baby’s blood to bypass the lungs because oxygen is supplied by the mother through the placenta. The ductus arteriosus should close soon after birth. If it does not, it is called a patent (open) ductus arteriosus, or PDA). They think this will close on its own and they are not going to give her any medication for it at this point. She also has had one head scan and so far no brain bleeds which is really, really great! Currently she’s getting about 11ml of milk at each feeding every 3 hours. She has a feeding tube right now but they said in a month or so she should be ready to be bottle fed.

Adeline- She has been on the ventilator since birth. Although when we spoke to the doctor last night she mentioned possibly extubating her soon and trying her on the cpap. Adeline also had a PDA and she received a course of medication over 3 days to close it. At this time it looks like it has closed (it can always open again but we are counting our blessings at this point). Her head scan did show a slight brain bleed, a level one/possibly level 2, but they said these sometimes resolve on their own. She will have a follow up head scan tomorrow to recheck it and make sure it is not progressing. She’s finally receiving feeds and she’s at about 4mls every 3 hours.

Evie- She’s our little fighter. She also has given us our biggest scare so far. She was doing really well up until Saturday; she had come off the ventilator and was on the nasal canula and handling continuous feeds really well. Saturday night we got a call from the NICU that she had aspirated a bit of her milk which caused her lungs to collapse. They had to intubate her and put her back on the ventilator. As of last night she’s back to her usual self and back on the nasal canula. They also started her back on continuous feeds and right now she gets about .5ml every hour. Other than that she’s doing good, she didn’t have a PDA when they checked and no brain bleed on her head scan either.

So everyone is hanging in there, including me and Bryan. It’s an exhausting rollercoaster. We’ll be seeing them again tonight so stay tuned for more updates.

Also, here’s a link to a quick reference guide for terms commonly used in the NICU, just in case anything in this blog gets confusing.

I’ll leave everyone with some much anticipated pictures…you can click on each image to view it larger.

Thank you everyone for the continued prayers!


Watch this space;) April 17, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 2:43 pm

Updates coming soon about The Jolley triplets! As you can imagine things have been slightly more than crazy this last week, but we wanted to create a spot where everyone can get updates and see pictures of the girls. We’ll be updating soon so keep checking in!