The Jolley Triplets

Just another weblog

October update! October 29, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jolleytripletrouble @ 9:25 pm

We’re not really sure if anyone reads these anymore, but just in case here’s an update:)

Everyone is great! Evie is 10 pounds, 2 ounces..Teagan is 12 pounds, 9 ounces…and Adeline is 10 pounds, 5 ounces:) The babies are getting ready for Halloween with their kitty cat costumes and will be helping us pass out candy!

We started rice cereal a couple weeks ago and so far so good! They’re still getting the hang of it but aren’t spitting it back at us anymore so we’ll take it. Everyone smiles really big and is really ticklish. They’re starting to “talk” a lot more and love to have very serious conversations sometimes. We’re down to about 6-8 diapers per baby (around 150 diapers a week!) and we usually do about 4-6 feedings a day depending on the baby. Everyone is pretty much sleeping through the night too! Their bedtime is around 7pm and usually the first one wakes up around 5 or 6am. We definitely have a good routine worked out and we’re getting the hang of it.

We’re really looking forward to the holidays and seeing family!

Here are some pictures from this month (just click the link or copy and paste the link):